Flipping Houses as a Family
Sean and his wife, Ann, buy, remodel and flip houses all across Virginia Beach. They also use their website to provide budget-friendly tips on creating original spaces full of personality and character. Discover how Roll by ADP helps give them peace of mind and time savings.

Sean and his wife, Ann, buy, remodel and flip houses all across Virginia Beach. They also use their website to provide budget-friendly tips on creating original spaces full of personality and character. Discover how Roll by ADP helps give them peace of mind and time savings.
In business, simple is best
We launched the company a few years ago, but we only started bringing people on full time in 2020. At first, we were paying them through checks or Venmo or Cash App, but it was really hard to keep track of everything, including the taxes. We eventually got to the point where we knew we needed help.
I called three or four different companies, but their products all seemed kind of convoluted or complicated. It wasn’t clear what I would and wouldn’t be paying for. When I called ADP, the guy was super helpful. He asked me if I wanted to try the Roll app, and it seemed super simple. I find that, in business, simple is usually the best, so I said, “Sure, let’s do it.” Getting started was really easy in terms of downloading the app and entering my business info. I just answered the questions as it went along. It was not a long process to get that done. I was ready to rock in just a few minutes.
It’s like a weight off my shoulders
I worked in customer service for a couple years when I first got out of college, so I wildly appreciate good customer service. Because I was new to payroll, I didn’t know about unemployment taxes and how to sign up for an unemployment ID with the state of Virginia. I called ADP customer service, and they were extremely helpful. They walked me through the whole process on the phone. For me, the backup help was really there, which I appreciated.
Setting up employees is really simple, too. At first, I didn’t have all my employees’ information, so I went on Roll’s chat function and asked for a list of all the information I would need, and that worked out great. Now, when I hire someone, I can just go on the app and add him in about three minutes. And once I set them up, they get a notification email, and they can set up their direct deposit right away. Now, my employees wake up every two weeks and the money is in their bank account. It feels like a weight off my shoulders.
In terms of the payroll, the process is really easy. I can get everyone paid in minutes, and you can even enter payroll as late as noon the day before it goes out. It’s fast, easy and very efficient.
Roll keeps you up to date with everything you need
We’re a little company, but there’s still a lot going on and a lot of moving parts, so it’s good that Roll sends reminders that it’s time to start doing payroll. I don’t have to constantly remind myself about it. It also prompts me about important things like updating tax information and things I otherwise wouldn’t have known. It keeps you up to speed and up to date with everything you need.
There are times I really appreciate supporting local businesses, but when it comes to things like payroll, I like the dependability of a company that is large and established. That gives me confidence that it’s being handled and I’m doing the right thing.
Roll is a big timesaver. It’s like having a good tax accountant. All those T’s and I’s are crossed and dotted, and that’s what you want. There are all sorts of different things you have to worry about being a business owner, so having payroll be a smooth, streamlined and dependable process is good.
What are you working for?
What we’re really pursuing through our business is to create more time for our family and for each other, more time to give back. Financial freedom leads to freedom of time, and that’s what we want for our family.

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